A Look Into Helicopter Parts – Source and Resource


It’s safe to say that all people know the appearance of a helicopter or, if lucky, may have had the opportunity to take a ride on one. There are many people who don’t have any knowledge about the parts of a helicopter or their functions. Let’s take a look at how these parts work together.

The first thing we will look at is the rotor blades. Rotor blades are what make helicopters fly. One reason why these blades vital is because they allow helicopters to launch and land without going through a runway as planes must do. These enable helicopters to go to areas that planes are not able to. Rotor blades can also be designed to produce lift. They’re designed so that they’re curved on the top and straight on the bottom. The shape allows greater airflow towards the top. This decreases the tension.

Another important component of helicopters is the tail the rotor. It’s different from the blades that are at the top. It assists in stabilizing the helicopter and counteracts the excess torque.

A final and crucial component of a helicopter autorotation. The engine doesn’t drive the helicopter’s blades; instead, autorotation lets them spin using the air pressure. This is a vital security measure.
